bill tracker

A new legislative session is starting up and it is likely to be another rough one for the LGBTQ+ community here in Idaho. This bill tracker will remain current throughout the session so you can keep updated on the bills and what action you can take. Below the information about each bill are talking points and sample emails to send to legislators. As always, please reach out if you have any questions!

HB 41


HB 41 regulates the flags and banners that can be displayed in public schools, including banning LGBTQ+ flags.


HB 41 passed the House and is now headed for the Senate.


Learn more about HB 41 at



This bill is a Joint Memorial, meaning that if it passes it will not create a law. 

HJM 1 calls on the Supreme Court to overturn the decision in Obergefell v. Hodges, the Supreme Court case that guarantees the right to gay marriage. 


HJM 1 has passed the House State Affairs Committee and is headed to the House floor for a full vote.


Learn more about HJM 1 at



This bill is a Concurrent Resolution, meaning that if it passes it will not create a law. 

HCR 2 formally commends Boise State's Women's Volleyball team for forfeiting two games this fall because their opponent, San Jose, had a transgender athlete on their roster. It reaffirms the legislature's commitment to barring transgender athletes from participating in sports and calls on both the Mountain West Conference and the NCAA to change their policies regarding transgender athletes, asking them to specifically bar transgender women. 


HCR 2 has is headed for a vote on the full senate floor.


Learn more about HCR 2 at

HB 45


HB 45 regulates the flags and banners that can be displayed in government buildings, including banning LGBTQ+ flags.


HB 45 is waiting for a committee hearing in the house.


Learn more about HB 45 at

HB 49


HB 49 would restrict bathroom and locker room access in public spaces for transgender people.


HB 49 is waiting for a committee hearing in the house.


Learn more about HB 49 at

HB 162


HB 162 would implement mandatory bible reading in Idaho public schools.


HB 162 is waiting for a committee hearing in the house.


Learn more about HB 162 at

Use the sample emails below as a starting point to let the Idaho legislature know your thoughts on these dangerous bills, or copy, paste, and send them just as they are. Contact information for members of the Idaho legislature can be found below. 

Idaho Senators Contact Page:

Idaho House of Representatives Contact Page:

Thank you for taking action to protect your LGBTQ+ siblings. 

HB 41 Talking Points

HB 41 Sample Email

Dear [Insert Senator/Representative Name]

I am writing to you today to urge you to oppose House Bill 41. Not only is this bill vaguely worded with regards to the definition of a flag or banner, but it inhibits the freedoms of speech and expression that are fundamental to our country. Schools should not be a place where speech, in the form of what teachers can display, is monitored and regulated. HB 41 sets a dangerous precedent of taking away one of the most important rights that we as Americans hold. 

Protect the First Amendment rights of Idahoans and vote "no" to HB 41.


[Insert your name]

HJM 1 Talking Points

HJM 1 Sample Email

Dear [Insert Senator/Representative Name]

I am writing to you today to urge you to oppose HJM 1. This memorial sends a very dangerous message to the people of Idaho that only the love between two cisgender, straight people is valid. As the Supreme Court has held, the 14th Amendment's Equal Protection clause ensures the right for Americans to love anyone. This right cannot be taken away by the politics of state governments. 


[Insert your name]

HCR 2 Talking Points

HCR 2 Sample Email

Dear [Insert Senator/Representative name]

I am writing to you today to urge you to oppose HCR 2. This resolution sends a dangerous message to Idaho's transgender community, one that perpetuates judgment, discrimination, and hate. Transgender people deserve the right to participate in sports alongside any other athlete. Their participation in sports is not a major issue facing our country. 


[Insert your name]

HB 45 Talking Points

HB 45 Sample Email

Dear [Insert Senator/Representative name]

I am writing to you today to urge you to oppose HB 45. Not only is this bill vaguely worded with regards to the definition of a flag, but it inhibits the freedoms of speech and expression that are fundamental to our country. HB 45 sets a dangerous precedent of restricting one of the most important rights that we as Americans hold. 

Protect the First Amendment rights of Idahoans and vote "no" to HB 45. 


[Insert your name]

HB 49 Talking Points

HB 49 Sample Email

Dear [Insert Senator/Representative name]

I am writing to you today to urge you to oppose HB 49. Everyone deserves the right to use a bathroom in an environment they feel safe in. This includes transgender people. The presence of transgender people in bathrooms does not cause harm to other users. In fact, HB 49 has the capacity to cause more discomfort because it would force individuals well into their transition to use a bathroom that does not align with their gender. This means masculine men would be forced to use the women's bathroom, while feminine women would have to use the men's. 

I urge you to vote "no" to HB 49 to ensure that all Idahoans, regardless of gender, can safely use the bathroom. 


[Insert your name]

HB 162 Talking Points

HB 162 Sample Email

Dear [Insert Senator/Representative name]

I am writing to you today to urge you to oppose HB 162. This bill violates the division of church and state, a key founding principle of our country. Mandatory bible readings infringes on the religious freedom of students and teachers who are not Christian. It is dangerous to impose a single religious doctrine, especially in schools. 

Please stand up for religious freedom of all Idahoans and vote "no" on HB 162. 


[Insert your name]